Bali is known for its tropical climate all year round, so there’s a huge chance you’ll break into a sweat during your trip. The best time to visit Bali for tourists is during the summer months of April to October. You should pack your lightest clothing and open-toed shoes to beat the heat but make sure to leave some space in your luggage to bring home a few souvenirs.
There are heaps of stray dogs around the streets. Although they look cute, they often carry rabies and other diseases so steer clear of them. If you want to help make a difference, consider making a "doggy donation" to Bali Dog Refuge which helps to rescue and rehabilitate Bali's stray pups.
Mosquitos are almost everywhere around Bali especially at night and during the rainy seasons between October to March so make sure you apply mosquito repellant with high deet every time you head outdoors to avoid getting bitten.
Don’t be afraid to speak local! While English is prominent in most main tourist areas, learning a bit of Balinese or Bahasa Indonesia won't hurt. Locals appreciate the effort, plus you get to know something while you’re on vacation. Start with easy and common phrases for tourists, such as terima kasih or suksma for “thank you”, tolong for “please”, and apa kabar? for “how are you?”.
There’s no public transport here, so hiring a motorbike or scooter service or booking a car via Grab is the best option for tourists in Bali. There are also taxis like Bluebird and Bali Cab to help you get around. But note that traffic and road conditions are quite different compared to your local city so make sure to account for some extra time for travel and pack travel sickness pills if you are prone to getting motion sick on long rides.
Going around a foreign land can be very tricky, and first-timers are bound to make a wrong turn every once in a while. Spend less time figuring out your itinerary or whether to turn left or right by making Google Maps your travel bestie! To have uninterrupted internet service while on the island, purchase a 3G/4G Prepaid Bali SIM card before you leave the airport.